zaterdag 13 oktober 2018


The first time I made this it was a disaster. I made many mistakes including mixing cold butter with hot egg yolk and underbaking the biscuit. But I learned from my mistakes and I'm now an expert in making this fine Belgian dessert.

Miserable Recipe:

1) Biscuit 

- 100 ml egg white
- 40 g sugar
- 200 ml almond powder
- 200 g powdered sugar
- 40 g flour

Mix almond powder, powdered sugar and flour. Mix the egg white with the sugar until it becomes stiff. Gently fold the two mixtures together and bake at 180 °C for 20-30 minutes.

2) Butter Cream

- 100 ml water
- 100 g sugar
- 4 egg yolks
- 250 g butter
- vanille aroma

Cook the water and sugar until it boils to a sirup. Mix the sirup into the egg yolks and mix it until it is at room temperature. Keep mixing and add the butter to it while mixing. Mix this for 10 minutes to add air into the mixture. You can add vanille aroma to it.

3) Miserable

Add the butter cream between the two biscuits and it's done!

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